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Services Information

Services List

They not just a pet. We aren't just a vet.

​Daily Appointments 

  • Consultations 

  • Emergency treatment 

  • General health checks  

  • Faecal examinations 

  • Pre-boarding health checks 

  • Disease screening 

  • Microchipping 


Advice for: 

  • Dietary recommendations  

  • Husbandry optimisation 

  • When it is appropriate to wing trim 

  • Age related disease management (ie, arthritis) 

  • Limiting or modifying egg laying 



  • Parasite treatment and prevention (mites, lice, intestinal parasites) 

  • Leg band constriction 

  • Egg related disorders 

  • Respiratory disease 

  • Pododermatitis 

  • Prolapses 



  • Abnormal egg laying 

  • Arthritis  

  • Chronic respiratory ailments 

  • Renal disease 

  • Viral disease palliation 


Diagnostic imaging: 

  • CT scans 

  • X-ray 

  • Ultrasound 



  • Lump/mass removal 

  • Wound repair 

  • Prolapse reduction 

  • Abdominal surgery  

  • Amputation 

  • Fracture stabilisation 


End of life services: 

  • Euthanasia 

  • Cremation referrals 

  • Grief counselling referrals 

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