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BlogBannerTBD emergencies
The Bird Doctors Logo outline

The following signs or symptoms shown by your pet require urgent emergency treatment.

If you are worried about your bird please contact us by phone: 03 9416 3100.


Examples of emergencies:

  • Seizures 

  • Unconscious 

  • Not able to stand or stay on perch, sitting on the bottom of the cage 

  • Not eating or defecating for >24 hours 

  • Open mouth breathing with or without tail bobbing 

  • Anything poking out of their bottom 

  • Bleeding from a blood feather or elsewhere

  • Bitten/attacked by a cat or dog or any trauma 

  • Straining to pass poo or eggs 

  • Broken beaks 


Seek care urgently:

  • Any seemingly unwell bird

  • Quiet or lethargic 

  • Reduced appetite 

  • Vomiting or regurgitation 

  • Diarrhoea or a change in droppings 

  • Sneezing or coughing 

  • Swollen eyes 

  • Changes to eggs 

  • Feather plucking or feather loss that has just started 

  • Not using a limb  

  • Blackened toe/s 

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